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Noxion LED Emergency Light is easy to install for ceiling and walls; suitable for either one side or two sides signage. Included with four directions of exit sign, the height of all signs are 15cm, meeting the requirements of building regulations 1838. The Noxion Emergency Light also offers high brightness LED Light source with low power consumption. Lee mas

LED Emergency Light  (8)



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Descargue el catálogo de la empresa de Noxion Lighting y lea más acerca de nuestra visión y nuestra amplia gama de productos. Nuestro catálogo de la empresa se puede abrir en su ordenador de escritorio, portátil, tableta y smartphone.

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Noxion LED Emergency Light is easy to install for ceiling and walls; suitable for either one side or two sides signage. Included with four directions of exit sign, the height of all signs are 15cm, meeting the requirements of building regulations 1838. The Noxion Emergency Light also offers high brightness LED Light source with low power consumption. Lee mas